Electronic and Physical Systems



Dept. of Electronics and Physical Systems (interlocking prof.) Grad. School of Information, Production, and Systems

Specialization:High-level Design and Verification of LSI


1982 Finish Master Course of Information Engineering, Kyoto Univeristy
1985 Quit Dr. Course of Egineering Course, Kyoto University
1989 Obtained Dr. of Engineering degree at Kyoto University
for a thesis entitled “Logic Simulation Based on Regular Expressions”.


1985 Assistant Professor, Kobe Univ.
1989-1990 Visiting Scientist of Carnegie Mellon University
1993 Associate Professor, NAIST
2002 Professor, Waseda University


In our laboratory, we have been studying the design methodologies of LSI’s (Large Scale Integrated Circuits), which are the basis of almost all electronic systems. We focus on the methodologies for designing high performance LSI’s with short design time and without design bugs. They include high (abstraction) level design methodologies, the verification methodologies to show the correctness of the LSI design, and the hardware algorithm design for such methodologies. In the LSI design, more than 60% of the design time is consumed by the verification, so we are developing the verifiable design methodologies with designing application LSI’s.