Electronic and Physical Systems


Admissions in Faculty of Science and Engineering

How to Enroll

The Department of Electronic and Physical Systems has been established as part of the School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, so students will first take the school’s entrance examinations. On entrance, students will not be initially assigned to any one department. First-year students will take liberal arts and general academic subjects related to science and engineering. They will also study mathematical science, mechanics, information and telecommunication, ans electronics and physical systems to obtain an overview of the School of Fundamental Science and Engineering. Departmental assignments will be decided after the first year of courses. Students interested in entering the Department of Electronic and Physical Systems are encouraged to take not only subjects related to our department but also other subjects related to fundamental science and engineering.

What Can Be Studied?

Students will take academic courses needed for specialists in the field of electronics, photonics, and system engineering. For further details, please see the department’s curriculum page.
-> To the Curriculum page

What Kind of Research Is Being Promoted?

We are engaged in leading-edge research areas such as materials science, nanotechnology, electronics, photonics, and system engineering. Please take a look at the brief introduction to our research interests by clicking on the faculty photographs at the Faculty page.
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Campus Tours and Mock Lectures

Open campus days will be arranged by the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Students will be able to experience our department and know more about it through campus tours and mock lectures. Announcements for interested students will be uploaded on the top page.
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