Electronic and Physical Systems



Our high-technology information society is based on cutting-edge science and engineering in various areas, such as the development of ultra-pure and advanced materials, the functionalization of these materials in electronic and photonic devices by means of micro- and nanofabrication, and the integration of these devices into systems. These devices and systems, in turn, are now being integrated with “soft” materials and applied in life sciences. In particular, nanotechnology is expected to catalyze the industrial revolution of the twenty-first century, with various industries endeavoring to further technology and to invigorate the economy through nanoscale science.

Educational Mission

The Department of Electronic and Physical Systems is part of a new field concerned with forming highly ordered building blocks by self-assembly or nanofabrication, functionalizing these blocks from the viewpoints of electronics and photonics, and integrating these devices into systems. Taking advantage of a body of knowledge established by our distinguished and experienced faculty, we are striving to build up a system of science for the twenty-first century and to pass that system to our students.


The Department of Electronic and Physical Systems is derived from the traditional electrical and electronics departments of the School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University. Our department consists of faculty with a core background in traditional electronics and computer engineering merged with faculty from materials science and process engineering as well as those from nanoscience and nanoengineering. In this sense, our department has a distinguished faculty pursuing consistently wide-range science from atoms onward to molecules, materials, devices, electric circuits, and finally to systems such as SoC, telecommunication and MEMS.